

莫斯科,ID 83844



星期一至星期五:早上7:30.m. 到下午4:30.m.

星期一至星期五:上午8点.m. 至5点.m.



电子邮件: hr@dotnetretail.com



工作人员 employee positions will be migrated into job families in stages, beginning in spring 2023. 请参阅 作业族页面 for general information on 工作家庭和收养时间表.

重要提示员工的工作是有区别的 工作描述 (a written administrative summary of their role, used to advertise the position when open) and their 工作职责 (他们实际做的所有任务). The format of your written 工作描述 will likely change in the job families rollout, 但你的工作职责不会.


  • Your written 工作描述 will be updated during the job families rollout. The job summary may become a more general description of your responsibilities, 而不是一份详细的职责清单.
  • 你的头衔可能会改变. See below under "我可以继续使用我现在的头衔吗?了解更多信息.
  • A small number of employees may see a change up or down in the market rate for their position (a key component in calculating target salary). However, the market rate for most positions is expected to remain the same.
  • Your supervisor will notify you when your 工作描述 has been updated. They will also notify you of any change in title or market rate.

你的工作职责, reporting line and current salary will NOT change as a result of job families implementation.


是的. 工作家庭正在逐步推出, so when your position is added to a job family will depend on the type of work you do. But we expect that all staff will eventually be included in the new system.

We are starting the rollout with job families that have the most incumbents. 前六个工作家庭, 哪些将在2023年春季推出, 包括约800个职位.

你的工作职责, reporting line and current salary will NOT change as a result of job families implementation.

Market rates may change (either up or down) for a small number of positions, but we expect market rates for the large majority of positions will remain the same. 如果你的市场汇率发生变化, you will receive a notice from your supervisor when your position is added to a job family.

Even if your market rate goes down, your current salary will not. The rollout of job families will not result in pay cuts.

You can view your 工作描述 at any time in PeopleAdmin. 参见.

这取决于. The job families implementation includes an effort to increase transparency by reducing the number of unique titles across the university. Each position in a job family will have an assigned position title. This title will be consistent for all employees assigned to that job family position. Some job family position will also have one or more optional alternate working titles that can be used on a daily basis for email, 名片, 等. The supervisor will select a title from these options.

If your current job title is already the same as the assigned position title or alternate working title under job families, 你不会看到任何变化. 如果不是,你很可能会.

For example: suppose a position that supports basic financial operations for a department is assigned to the job family position of Business Specialist I, with an alternate working title of Financial Specialist I. The supervisor can select one of the two titles, and choses Financial Specialist I. If the position was already called a Financial Specialist I prior to the adoption of job families, 该员工将保留原来的头衔. 但如果这个职位被称为办公室助理, the employee will see a title change to Financial Specialist I.

Your supervisor will notify you of any job title change when your job is added to a job family.

From a university records management perspective, no. We will know that any title change is a result of job family implementation.

It is an individual choice how to represent work history in job applications and on resumes, but 人力资源 recommends using your most current title for all same-level work that you did both before and after any title change that results from job family adoption. If you are assigned a higher market rate and position title during job family adoption, then we recommend listing it as a separate job to show advancement in the level of work performed.

If you feel that your position has not been categorized correctly during the adoption of job families, you are encouraged to raise your concerns with your supervisor. If your supervisor agrees, they should contact 人力资源. You may also reach out to 人力资源 for assistance in facilitating a conversation with your supervisor.

Each job family will be released for use as it is completed, so there is no universal effective date. 发布作业族供使用时, it will be required for vacant positions and supervisor-initiated updates to filled positions. Current employees will be moved into job families on a rolling basis. 请参考的清单 工作家庭和收养时间表 了解更多信息.


莫斯科,ID 83844



星期一至星期五:早上7:30.m. 到下午4:30.m.

星期一至星期五:上午8点.m. 至5点.m.



电子邮件: hr@dotnetretail.com
