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As you plan for your upcoming retirement, please use the retirement timeline below as a guide for a smooth transition. If you have questions at any stage, please contact Benefit 服务 at

Many factors must be taken into consideration as you plan for your retirement. 下面的时间表将提供以下主题的信息和资源:

  • Financial planning for retirement
  • 犹他大学退休人员健康计划(您的资格由您的退休级别决定) 
  • 医疗保险 and other health insurance coverage
  • 教师 emeriti and honored staff privileges
  • U of I employee separation process

请参阅 FSH 3730 for full details on retirement eligibility. Note that this information is about university retirement. Your retirement eligibility for Social 安全, PERSI, etc. 可能会有所不同.


Three to four years in advance

As you plan for a secure retirement, 确定你退休后能从社会保障中得到多少收入是很重要的, your university retirement plan (PERSI or ORP), and other supplemental accounts, investments and income you may have. The following links may be helpful:

  • If you are contributing to PERSI, review their 退休资源网页. 您可以随时登录myPERSI帐户,使用他们的退休计算器来估算您的收入, or if you are close to retirement you may contact PERSI for an official estimate.
  • If you are contributing to the ORP, contact your vendor for assistance:
  • You can research your social security benefits at

PERSI代表, ORP和社会保障局定期为大学员工提供信息会议或一对一的咨询. Watch The Daily Register for announcements about these opportunities.

我们鼓励您与财务顾问会面,讨论您的退休计划和预算. 如果你还没有顾问,下面的资源可以帮助你找到一个.

Retirement is an exciting transition, 但要适应生活方式的这种重大变化也是一项挑战. 我们也鼓励你提前为退休后的非财务方面做好计划, considering possibilities such as volunteering, 爱好, travel and how you will spend time with family.


继续监控你的估计退休收入,并在需要时与财务顾问会面, 使用上面的资源. 你可能希望为你的退休收入和支出制定一个更详细的预算.

提交分级请求. 福利服务将计算你的大学退休等级,并让你知道你可能有资格通过大学获得什么样的退休健康计划(如果有的话)。.

在计算你的等级之后, 福利服务部亦会邀请您与您面谈,或透过电话/视像电话讨论您的退休计划.

All retirement planning inquiries and conversations are confidential.

If you are eligible for the 退休人员健康计划, you will receive counseling from Benefit 服务 on your options.

如果你没有资格通过大学获得退休医疗保险,或者觉得大学计划不是最适合你的需要, you may choose to purchase coverage elsewhere. 研究 your options carefully. The following resources may be helpful:

开始与你的主管和单位讨论你的大概退休日期. This is especially helpful for faculty and others on continuing appointments.

如果你是教职员工, please review FSH 1565 e to see if you may be eligible for emeritus privileges when you retire.

Two to four months in advance


Submit a written notice of resignation to your supervisor (email is acceptable). 向福利服务部提供一份你的书面辞职信和你的主管收到辞职信的确认.

如果你有累积年假,和你的主管或部门主管一起检查你的年假余额. You may be asked to use some or all of your leave prior to retirement. Unused annual leave is paid out on your final paycheck. 您也可以选择将未使用的年假捐赠给共享假期计划.

Unused sick leave is not paid out and has no cash value. 根据爱达荷州退休人员健康计划规定,365滚球官网不提供病假转换选项.

Work with Benefit 服务 to complete and submit any necessary documents. 这可能包括:

  • 退休人员选择表格,选择退休人员健康计划下的计划或放弃保险
  • Pre-authorized bank draft form for payment of retiree health plan costs
  • Beneficiary Designation Form (if Tier 1-eligible)
  • 非退休退休计划持续福利表格(如已参加非退休退休计划并计划继续承保)
  • 荣誉员工电子邮件访问请求表格(如符合荣誉员工特权)

通知你的退休计划提供者你的退休日期,并开始申请福利. This may include the Social 安全 Office, PERSI, TIAA, 剑桥金融和任何补充退休供应商或联邦退休计划.


In order to maintain insurance coverage until your last day of work, 你必须在你的最后一天工作(你的最后一天不能作为年假或补偿时间).

报名参加 医疗保险 if you will be over 65 or otherwise eligible upon retirement.

如果您正在过渡到365滚球官网退休人员健康计划,请仔细阅读 转换信息.

If you are transitioning to other insurance, 仔细查看您的医疗服务提供者提供的信息,确保您了解如何根据您的新计划开始获得医疗服务.

考虑加入 University of Idaho Retiree Association (UIRA). Membership is free and open to all university retirees.

如果你是工作人员, 福利服务部将确认您是否符合荣誉员工退休特权的资格. Privileges include education benefits, 一张免费的黄金停车许可证,以及使用信息技术办公室提供的服务. For eligibility requirements and a full list of privileges, please review FSH 3730.

If you qualify for Honored 工作人员 Retiree Privileges, you may wish to:

  • 申请一张新的汪达尔卡 具有退休身份
  • Return your current parking permit to Parking and Transportation 服务 to obtain your gold retiree parking permit.
  • If you choose to maintain an active university email account, 填妥“荣誉退休员工电邮申请表格”(由福利署提供). 福利服务将把表格返回给您,您可以将其提供给您的OIT技术解决方案合作伙伴,以帮助您设置帐户. 一旦完成, 您将继续获得OIT提供的服务,包括技术支持和软件.

如果你是教职员工, 咨询你的学院和教务长办公室,了解你可以获得的退休特权(概述在 FSH 1565 e). 如果授予荣誉特权,您将收到教务长办公室的确认函.

If you qualify for emeriti privileges, you may wish to:

  • 申请一张新的汪达尔卡 具有退休身份
  • Return your current parking permit to Parking and Transportation 服务 to obtain your gold retiree parking permit.
  • If you choose to maintain an active university email account, 向您的OIT技术解决方案合作伙伴提供确认信,以帮助您设置帐户. 一旦完成, 您将继续获得OIT服务,包括技术支持和软件.


如果你考虑过退休后回到我大学以新的身份工作, 请务必与福利服务部门联系,了解它会如何影响您的退休福利.

If you were enrolled in PERSI and consider returning to work at U of I 或任何其他雇主,你也应该 请访问PERSI网站 or contact PERSI to understand how this may affect your PERSI benefit.




星期一至星期五:早上7:30.m. 到下午4:30.m.

星期一至星期五:上午8点.m. 至5点.m.



