

学生行为准则 or “the Code” is a set of behavioral expectations and policies to follow while you are a student at the university. Not only are you part of the Vandal community, but a valued member of the Moscow community. The philosophy of the Code is to balance your safety and the safety of the Moscow community through education and accountability. 当有人举报涉嫌违反《365体育滚球》时, students are provided an opportunity to reflect on their choices and to think about ways to restore good faith to those harmed and to the communities that they are a part of.

The following sections are designed to help you navigate the student conduct process and help you understand what you can expect. 你也可以参考 常见问题页面 了解更多信息.


The Dean of Students Office (DOS) and Conduct and Community Standards will open an investigation when we receive information that a University of Idaho student possibly violated the 学生行为准则. Information may come in different forms from a variety of sources:

  • Moscow Police Department often refers reports to our office when they encounter students whose conduct may have violated the law, 或两者兼而有之.
  • Other university offices may refer information to our office that will prompt an investigation. 这可能包括来自住房和居住生活的报告, 学生参与部, 兄弟会和姐妹会生活, 民权办公室 & 调查,以及学术部门.
  • Individuals can also submit a complaint, concern or allegation using a VandalCARE报告.


  • 展开调查.
  • Refer the report to another office for consideration or further action.
  • 查看报告以获得其他响应或解决方案选项.


Once an allegation of misconduct is received, a conduct hearing officer will begin an investigation. You can expect to receive an official letter via your Vandal email that outlines the nature of the violation and a date/time to meet with the hearing officer. 会议可以亲自进行,也可以通过Zoom进行.

The hearing officer will explain the student conduct process and offer you some options on how best to proceed. 会议期间, you will have an opportunity to explain your involvement in the incident and to identify any other relevant individuals or information that would be helpful to the investigation. The best way to approach this conversation with the hearing officer is to be as open and honest as possible, 这样他们才能最好地了解情况. No special dress code is necessary for the meeting — just come as you are!


你可以选择非正式地解决这个问题, 也就是说在你们会面期间, the hearing officer will share the allegation and all available information with you. You will be offered an opportunity to speak about your experience in the incident. The hearing officer will assess your level of involvement (if any) in the incident and then make the determination of your responsibility using a “more likely than not” standard of proof. 如果你被发现有责任, the decision and educational outcomes will be shared with you via email after the meeting. 这一决定是终局的,不能上诉. You can also accept responsibility for a Code violation at any point in the process (even before the meeting), 听证官可以决定结果.


您可以选择 正式的 解决/调查. 调查人员将 审查该事件的文件, 会见任何证人, 起草两份报告. You will have the opportunity to review these reports and provide written comments. An Administrator from the Dean of Students Office will determine if there has been a Code violation or refer to a Student Conduct Board for a hearing and decision. 这一决定可以上诉.

了解更多 关于两个决议程序.


行为会议结束后, you will receive a decision outcome letter via your Vandal email that will let you know if you have or have not been found in violation of the 学生行为准则. 如果你被发现有责任, you will see a list of educational outcomes and a deadline to complete them. The outcomes are in place to help you develop and grow from the incident. 在可能的情况下, outcomes are selected to provide opportunities for you to repair the harm caused by your behavior. Educational outcomes may also address university values and community expectations for behavior.

针对违规行为选择适当的教育结果, but keep in mind that subsequent violations may result in more serious disciplinary outcomes such as suspension or expulsion.


汪达尔人的健康和安全是我们的首要任务. We understand that you may be hesitant to seek help due to fear of getting in trouble with the university. 特赦政策 was created to remove any barriers for you to seek emergency medical attention for yourself or for your friends who are consuming alcohol or drugs before something tragic occurs. The Amnesty policy extends to those students who seek medical attention or who have medical attention sought on their behalf and for bystander students who call who are also under the influence. 特赦政策 does not absolve you from intervention or a follow up with the university- we care for you and will be having conversations with you about what happened. There may also be recommendations to complete but you will not be found responsible for a Code violation. 你可以了解更多的细节 大赦政策 在教务处网站上.


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