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Key Access Control Guidelines

参见APM 40.28 — Access Control Policy for 设施 — Key and Access Control current policy.

Additional Information.

Future Access Control

University of Idaho is continuing to expand the online campus-wide card access control, as funds become available. Standalone systems such as Locknetics will no longer be managed by the 设施 Access Control Department (FACD). Existing systems will still be maintained by the FACD. The management of existing standalone systems will gradually be phased out to online access control or put back on the key system. Departments will be responsible for costs incurred on Department doors to install Access Control hardware. However, after installation, 设施 will administer the new system at no cost to the department. The FACD will meet with and provide a hard bid for Departments desiring to add access control to doors other than the ones 设施 is administering at the present time.

设施 Access Control Shop (FACD)

  1. Responsible for creating and maintaining the university's lock and key system, 包括图表, 代码, product standards and service equipment.
  2. Develop keying schedules, re-keying and stocking necessary locks, 气缸, key blanks and related hardware.
  3. Maintain SAM Online and performs Administrator duties for VandalCard Access and physical key ordering in SAM Online.
  4. Issue keys to Gatekeepers through the SAM Online system.
  5. Maintain key records of all keys, locks and associated facility and room numbers. Supply Gatekeepers with information such as which keys open what doors under their control.
  6. Maintain database of all grand master and master key holders and supply various reports to administrators
  7. Restore physical security immediately when key control has been compromised.
  8. Help departments and Risk Management decide when rekeying is necessary.
  9. Provide education and training in adherence to University of Idaho Access Control Policy key policy at no cost to departments.
  10. Replace broken or bent keys upon receipt of the defective key by the authorized key holder.
  11. Install or provide removable “construction” core 气缸 for new building construction and/or area renovations as required.
  12. Provide installation of Card Access Systems.
  13. Issuance and authorization of dates and times for temporary facilities contractor access cards and keys.
  14. Provide VandalCard Access activation for Emergency Responders of 设施, EHS and Police and Fire.
  15. Installs and repairs all door locks and mechanisms related to door hardware, and performs all lock and key work on campus.
  16. Reporting Responsibilities: The FACD will inform the following departments when a card access system has been installed, or re-keying has been done.
    • 设施
    • Environmental 健康 and 安全
    • Risk Management and 安全 — (office personnel are responsible for notifying the 莫斯科 Fire and Police Departments)
    • Colleges and Departments in the area affected
    • Office of Information Technology (OIT)


布鲁斯·米. 皮特曼中心
875 Perimeter Drive MS 4264
莫斯科, ID 83844-4264


