
体验“En Plein-Air”

艺术 Professor Offers Live 绘画 Demonstrations in Nature 在COVID-19

Some professors spend time asking students to put down their phones in class. When the University of Idaho offered courses remotely amid the COVID-19 pandemic, 亚伦约翰逊他是大学的助理教授 艺术与建筑学院 艺术与设计 ,鼓励他的学生去捡起它们.

“Instagram is an incredibly powerful tool for connecting, 沟通, 分享和探索视觉元素和想法, and it’s a platform that I use regularly as a professional artist,约翰逊说. “我所有的学生都已经在站台上了, so I took advantage of that and created a private account for the class.”

根据约翰逊的说法, it took major changes to the three-hour in-studio course’s original structure to make his vision a reality.

在课堂上, 中级/高级绘画, students work closely to continue honing their skills and techniques to help find their own individual style and voice as practicing artists. The students receive feedback from 约翰逊 and their peers as they work. 

The virus posed a unique problem that I was determined to solve to make the best of the remainder of the semester.亚伦约翰逊

约翰逊说:“在网上很难做到这一点. “You can’t replace 15 to 20 students all in the same studio space working on the same project, 努力解决同样的问题, talking with your fellow artist about how they mixed a color or what brush they used. The virus posed a unique problem that I was determined to solve to make the best of the remainder of the semester.”

艺术 supplies and easel stand in a field overlooking a stream.
在COVID-19, 亚伦约翰逊 took his students virtually to local areas that inspire him creatively and shared live video demonstrations while painting ‘en plein-air.’

The beauty with using social media, 他说, is that Instagram already hosts artists on its platform. 这使得分享想法变得容易, inspiration and examples with the class in a way that students could engage with virtually and conveniently. 让课堂保持有趣, 约翰逊 incorporated live Instagram painting demonstrations, allowing students to ask questions or give commentary in real time.

As an artist, 约翰逊 primarily paints “en Plein-air,” French for painting outside on location.

“So, I virtually took my students to my favorite spots on the Palouse and hosted live videos of me painting a scene,约翰逊说. “在直播中, I would have my phone between me and my painting; that way my students could type questions and I would answer them in real time as I painted.”

整个学期, 约翰逊 took his students virtually to local areas that inspire him creatively, 包括沙路, which takes you to the bottom side of the University of Idaho Arboretum. He also took the students to Darby Road, off of Mountain View Road, and Mill Road. 每一个地方, 他说, 提供各种主题,包括树木, 小溪和起伏的丘陵, 提供大量的艺术选择.

“Students would show up, make comments, ask questions, or just watch me paint,他说. “We still had the regular Zoom meetings where we talked about assignments and answered regular classroom questions, but the addition of Instagram live demos was really something fun and made the new virtual class a bit more exciting.”


亚伦·约翰逊画了一个场景. 在他工作的时候,可以看到学生们在Instagram上的评论.
约翰逊作画时, his students were able to ask questions and engage with the lesson in real time on Instagram.

The Instagram live videos were helpful and convenient in an otherwise often difficult transition, 格蕾丝·伍德说, 约翰逊班上的一个学生. They also allowed students to stay connected and engaged not only with their professor, 而是彼此之间, 有时相隔千里.

“Professor 约翰逊 really listened to our feedback on what would be helpful to us as students during the transition to online learning, and I found that really beneficial to our class and our success,伍德说. “这对我来说意义重大.”

约翰逊, who already incorporates live demonstrations in his in-person classes, said he believes keeping this component available through live video is an effective teaching method, and helped the class keep a sense of normalcy during a time that was not normal. He plans to add the live video demonstrations to in-person classes.

“I think it’ll be fun to keep offering the Instagram live painting demonstrations of me painting on the Palouse as a way to engage students in a way and on a platform that appeals to them,他说. “You can’t replace the significance of studio time to building relationships, 作为艺术家的能力和自信, but it’s also important to get the opportunity to experience, such as seeing the process working artists use to create their art; in real time. 这真的很特别.”

中级/高级绘画 was just one of the more than 4,000 class sections taught at a distance during the pandemic.

“I was so impressed at how quickly faculty were able to change direction and adapt,托里·劳伦斯说, 临时教务长兼执行副校长. “Flexibility was the key for our success in these difficult circumstances.”

艺术icle by Kassandra Tuten,大学传播与市场营销.

照片 约瑟夫Pallen,大学传播与市场营销.

Video by Video 服务,大学传播与市场营销.


艺术 & 设计


