University of Idaho - I Banner

Idaho Student Union Building, Room 328

MS 2436


VandalStar brings the energy of shared technology to students, 教师, and staff to enhance student support and success, 沟通, 和社区. 它提供了一种有效的方式,为所有学生提供协调的帮助, 确保他们得到正确的帮助和干预,以帮助他们实现学业目标.

如有疑问,协助,一对一或团体培训,请联系汪达尔之星团队 or 208-885-8787.



You can access VandalStar through the following link:


要更改您的配置文件首选项,请从主下拉菜单中单击您的名称并选择 机构简介 选项卡. Some of your information is already imported from Banner, 而是你的手机, 时区, General Overview and My Biography sections can all be customized. 

单击 提交 button to save your changes. 

To adjust your appointment or email preferences, click on your name from the main drop-down menu and select 任命的偏好 or 电子邮件首选项. 您可以调整位置、日历管理器和通知的首选项.

You must add an office 位置 under 任命的偏好 in order to allow students to schedule appointments with you.

如果你想让你的Outlook日历同步到你的VandalStar日历, follow the instructions below:

1. 电子邮件 请求访问.

2. Once you have received an email confirmation, 从VandalStar的主下拉菜单中点击你的名字,进入你的电子邮件通知.

3. Uncheck the "Change To My 办公时间/Group Sessions" 盒子, 并勾选“从我的外部交流日历中读取繁忙时间”框.

4. 点击 提交.

你的Outlook日历现在将与你的VandalStar日历同步. You can schedule and delete appointments from either program, 和办公时间不会在你的日历上封锁时间,直到一个特定的学生安排与你.

你的Outlook日历可能需要5-10分钟才能完全集成到VandalStar中. If you are having an issue seeing your calendar, please log out of VandalStar and try logging in again. If the problem persists, contact


的 first time you log in to VandalStar, 它将提供一个“向导”来指导你设置办公时间, which enables students to schedule time with you.  If you did not complete this step during your first log in, you can access the 调度向导 at any time by clicking 任命 从屏幕左上角的主下拉菜单中.

你可以使用 调度向导 或者是 办公时间 选项卡 to set your office hours. 调度向导使顾问和教师可以轻松地在一周内安排多个办公时间块. 这对你的日程安排很有用,当你预定了几个时间段去见学生的时候,你可以提前通知高峰期和其他时间.

1. 开始吧, 指定标题, 位置, and other settings f或者是 office hours blocks you are setting up.

2. If you are using 调度向导, select 下一个 to setup the days and times f或者是 week's office hours.

3. 点击 提交 or 完成

要设置额外的办公时间或进行任何更改,请使用您的 首页 or 任命 要添加的页面 办公时间, 任命, 或者使用 调度向导.

When you would like to schedule an appointment for a student, rather than the student scheduling their own appointment, 你可以使用 任命 选项卡 located in the main drop-down menu.  

1. 选择 任命 link and then the “Appointment” button. 

2. Complete the fields necessary to specify:

·Who would you like to meet with? -你可以通过输入学生的名字来选择具体的学期和学生.

·When would you like to meet? – you can select the day, start time and end time.

·Where would you like to meet? – you can select from a list of 位置s in a drop-down menu. You can add 位置s on your profile. 

·你们为什么要见面? – select a reason for this meeting from the drop-down list. 

·Do you want this meeting to be shared or private? -大多数会议都是共享的,这样学生成功网络的成员就可以看到预约. Private meetings are to be used at 教师/advisor discretion. 

您可以输入 详细描述 以提供有关约会主题的更多信息. This is viewable by you and the student. 

的 结果 选项卡 can be completed during or after meeting with the student, 你在哪里列出了实际的会议时间,并在学生档案中提供了笔记.

当您想与学生就课程作业或建议进行沟通时, you can message them as a group or individually from the 学生 选项卡 located in the main drop-down menu. 

1. 点击 学生 link to see your list of students. 

2. 通过输入姓名或使用过滤器查找所需的学生. You may also need to adjust the 连接 or 术语 to see a more accurate student list. 

3. 选中要发送消息的学生(或学生)旁边的复选框.

4. 选择 消息 button at the top of the page. 

5. Draft your message, and select 提交. 


您可以选择将邮件的副本发送给您自己 发送副本给自己 when drafting your message. 

As always, you can select 不要介意 if you decide to not send a drafted message. 

当你对某个学生感到担忧时,举起一面旗帜来传达你的观察结果. 当你想祝贺某个特定的学生时,养一只手让他们知道. 当您保存项目时,将自动通知相应的个人.

  1. 点击 学生 navigation item to see your list of students. 
  2. Find the desired student by typing the name into the 搜索 盒子.  
  3. 点击 student’s name to bring up the 学生文件夹
  4. 单击您想要在学生(旗帜或工藤)上提高的项目.)显示您有权对该学生提出的跟踪项目的类别列表. 
  5. 从列表中选择您想要提升的旗帜或工藤的类型.
  6. If relevant, select a course from the 课程背景, drop down list, and enter notes in the 评论 盒子.
  7. 单击 保存 button.
  8. To clear an item raised on a student, click on the 跟踪 导航项,以查看学生的当前旗帜/荣誉. 选择 item you would like to clear, and select 解决. 您可以选择留下关于解决操作项的笔记.   

的 学生的观点 参数中包含的标志和注释是否可以查看 评论 盒子.  

的 权限 区域列出了具有查看所选标志和包含在中的注释权限的角色 评论 盒子. 


VandalStar是通过大学的单点登录(SSO)过程访问的.  它还与二人组多因素身份验证过程合作.  如果这是你第一次登录一个大学单点登录网站(VandalWeb), VandalMail, VandalStar, 等), 您需要使用Active 目录 (AD)登录凭据和二人组设备进行登录.  If you have already signed in to one of these services, 然后,您的计算机应该识别这一点,并绕过登录步骤, taking you directly into the application.  If you have questions or receive errors, please contact


  1. 电子邮件 请求访问. "Please sync my Outlook and VandalStar calendars."
  2. Once you have received confirmation, 从VandalStar的主下拉菜单中点击你的名字,进入你的电子邮件通知.
  3. 取消对“办公时间/小组会议”框的更改,并从外部Exchange日历框中勾选“读取繁忙时间”.
  4. 单击提交.

你的Outlook日历现在将与你的VandalStar日历同步. You can schedule and delete appointments from either program, 和办公时间不会在你的日历上封锁时间,直到一个特定的学生安排与你.

你的Outlook日历可能需要5-10分钟才能完全集成到VandalStar中. If you are having an issue seeing your calendar, please log out of VandalStar and try logging in again. If the problem persists, contact


如果您尝试登录VandalStar并收到错误,请联系  You may not yet have a role assigned to you in VandalStar.  VandalStar实施团队将与您一起确定错误的原因和下一步的步骤.


Completing the Progress Survey

How to fill out and submit the Progress Survey in VandalStar.

Setup Profile, Appointment, and 电子邮件首选项

How to edit your VandalStar preferences for your profile, 设置约会, and receiving VandalStar emails.

Sync your Outlook Calendar

See how to sync your Outlook calendar to your VandalStar calendar.


How to set up office hours on your VandalStar calendar.



Raise and Clear 跟踪 Items


Idaho Student Union Building, Room 328

MS 2436