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Ali Jo Nuckles – Senegal (2015-2017)

As part of the Community Economic Development Program in Peace Corps Senegal, 我主要与妇女团体和青年合作,促进创收和自营职业.

Partnering with the mayor’s office, 我为中学生创办了一个青年企业家俱乐部,以增加一般的商业知识, set goals, plan for the future, and, of course, have fun!

我也是Saloum商业发展营的创始成员之一,该营教授人们与商业有关的一切, from creating a business idea to writing a business plan.

Senegal is known as “Le Pays de Terranga,” the country of hospitality, which is exactly what I found during my time there. My Peace Corps memories will stay with me forever.

Ali Nuckles in Senegal
Ali Nuckles in Senegal, Africa

Kim Castelin – Madagascar (2013-2015)

As a Rural Food Security and Agriculture volunteer, 我应该通过提供农业生产方面的技术援助,为粮食安全做出贡献. Upon arriving in Ampondralava, Madagascar, however, 我意识到,关于种植水稻,我没有什么可以告诉马达加斯加人的,他们已经知道了.

Upon my community’s request, I taught English lessons, created workshops on using mosquito netting to reduce malaria, built latrines and hand-washing stations, and tutored math, among many other things.

我在和平队的大部分时间都在学习,并在力所能及的时候回馈社会. 我的一部分将永远留在Ampondralava,我很感激我有机会与如此充满活力的人类一起度过如此非凡的经历.

Kim Castelin in Madagascar
Kim Castelin in Ampondralava, Madagascar


Brady Fuller – Cambodia (2016-2018)


While two years may sound like a long time, 和平队给了我一个独特的机会,让我真正成为社区的一员. By building lasting relationships with my host family, my students, the village leaders, even the fruit sellers I pass, I was able to make a more sustainable impact on the community I came to serve.

Like all things in life, it has been an experience filled with moments of triumph and moments of frustration. Nevertheless, it was through highs and lows that I was shaped into a better, more active global citizen.

Brady Fuller in Cambodia
Brady Fuller with some of his students in Cambodia

Kelsey Neal - Kyrgyzstan

I served in a small village called Berbulak, Kyrgyzstan. Berbulak means "giving stream" in Kyrgyz. The village was situated in the foothills of Ala Archa national park. I was a TEFL volunteer (teaching English as a foreign language), 所以我的主要工作是在当地的学校教英语,并为当地的教师进行教师培训.

I also worked in health education and started a network of girls clubs. The girls could explore sports, career opportunities, how to live healthily, and whatever else they were interested in! 许多这样的俱乐部是持续的,并根据领导人的优势或兴趣进行了演变. One of the clubs focused on journalism, 这些女孩获得了一笔资助,开办了一个关于吉尔吉斯斯坦女孩生活的博客和播客. Another group of girls loved soccer, so they started a girls soccer league.

我想说,在和平队服务的最大好处是,你可以亲身体验一种文化,并真正沉浸其中. I learned Kyrgyz while I was there, 住在一个寄宿家庭,到最后我真的觉得我是社区的一员. It is also a cool feeling to be the only American many of these people will meet. At first, I was trying to fit in so that people wouldn't notice that I was American. But I soon realized that I would never really be Kyrgyz, and the people in my village loved meeting an American! It is good to respect local customs and culture, 但也要记住,你也可以和当地人分享你的文化和个性.

Kelsey Neal in Kyrgyzstan with her students
凯尔西·尼尔(Kelsey Neal)和她的学生们在贝尔布拉克(Berbulak)的乡村学校前度过假期,在冰雪覆盖的院子里“滑冰”.

Steffan Perez – Indonesia (2013-2015)

My assignment, to teach English to high school students, was never something I planned on doing in my life. 我被安排在一所职业高中,几乎没有得到老师和学生的支持.

After weeks of feeling relatively useless, I came up with an idea to start a conversational English club. 起初只有少数学生加入,但消息传开后,俱乐部迅速壮大. The discussion topics ranged from music and movies to current events. Allowing the students to pick the topics empowered their desire to learn.

I started off feeling not so confident, but I left feeling like I was the lucky one in this whole adventure. I wouldn’t trade it for anything.

Steffan Perez in Indonesia
Steffan Perez (far right) serving in Indonesia


Erin McGown – Georgia (2017-2019)

As an Individual and Organizational Development volunteer, 我的主要项目是帮助建立格鲁吉亚地方民主机构的能力.

With the Local Democracy Agency, I implement projects like One Billion Rising, a campaign to raise awareness about gender-based violence in Georgia.

I am also involved in several Peace Corps committees, 包括小型项目援助(SPA)赠款委员会和模拟联合国, among others.

I currently live with a host family, 我正在学习格鲁吉亚语,希望在我离开的时候至少会一种格鲁吉亚舞蹈!

Erin McGown in the country of Georgia
Erin McGown (left) and her conference partner at the Model United Nations in Georgia

North America, Central America and the Caribbean

Mariela Vázquez – Dominican Republic

During my service in the Dominican Republic, I focused on a sustainable library project, 实施教育部的改革方案,为第一名学生提供初级识字辅导, second and third grade students as well as tutoring for fourth, fifth and sixth graders.


In my spare time, 我与国际儿童医疗救助基金会合作,将流动诊所带到农村社区.

After this experience, I can say that I have never cried harder, loved more purely, been more enraged, 我从来没有过这样美好的生活,充满了最简单的快乐.

Mariela Vazquez in the Dominican Republic
Mariela Vazquez in the Dominican Republic

Zach Nostdal – Guatemala (2008-2010) 

As a volunteer in the Rural Home Preventative Health Program in Santa Barbara, Guatemala, I worked with the Guatemalan Ministry of Health to train community health workers.



Zach Nostdal in Guatemala
Zach Nostdal in Guatemala


Kevin Gunter – Vanuatu (2006-2008)

我开始在埃皮岛担任社区卫生协调员,在那里我与乡村卫生工作者一起加强和改善社区支持, facility and supply chain management, and infrastructure development.

I worked with communities to rebuild health centers, water supply systems and a primary school destroyed by a hurricane.

Additionally, 我学到了大量的个人和社交技巧,这些技巧在我的个人生活和工作中都一直伴随着我. 和平队是一个改变我一生的事件,它促使我继续我在国际关系和全球健康方面的教育和职业生涯.

Kevin Gunter in Vanuatu
Kevin Gunter in Vanuatu after the completion of a rural aid post

South America

Michelle Polansky – Peru

As a Community Health Educator, my service had two main focuses: healthy homes and families; and sexual education for teenagers, including pregnancy and disease prevention.

我与地区的健康中心和高中密切合作,接触社区并执行我的项目. I also got to do a few passion projects, including a library project.

Illiteracy in rural Peru is quite high, but with some help, 我能够在每个教室里放各种各样的书,并让老师设计一个阅读计划,以促进不仅仅是乐趣阅读, but comprehension.

I had countless incredible moments, 但我的服务绝不是一个充满满足和成功的行善者的童话故事. 我经历过很多次挫折、悲伤甚至失败——但我永远不会改变这些.

Michelle Polansky in Peru
Michelle Polansky in Peru

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